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Aims & Objectives

Schools’ Out! aims to offer before and after school care to children and young people of primary school age. We aim to offer the opportunity to participate in freely chosen play, recreational activities and social interaction which is fun and challenging. We will promote inclusion, dignity, privacy, choice, safety, potential, and diversity of all service users and staff of Schools’ Out!

We will achieve these aims in the following ways:

The service will promote policies and procedures that encourages its aims in practice and will make these known to the staff, parents, guardians, children and young people.

The service shall meet all relevant legislation applying to it.

The service will employ competent, confident and appropriately vetted staff.

The service will provide and support, freely chosen play, a balanced range of activities and inclusion. Adapting to the additional and development needs of all children and young people.

The service will operate a self-evaluation scheme as a means of ensuring continuous improvement and will involve all staff, children and service users in the process.

The service management will supervise the activities of its staff through a formal supervision and development programme.

The service will encourage parents, guardians, children and young people to contribute to the life and work of the service and will promote positive behaviour at all times. The service will take into account local, national, SOSCN, and EROSCN guidance in its activities.



Accident & Incident Policy

Schools’ Out! Is committed to ensuring that the children, young people and staff attending our setting do so in a safe environment that is in line with all relevant legislation. To this end the service management will ensure that:


The service has a Health and Safety Policy that involves the use of regular risk assessments and regular maintenance of premises and equipment.


The service management and appropriate staff are knowledgeable about relevant Health and Safety legislation and their responsibilities in law.


There will be at least one member of staff on duty in each venue at all times with a relevant first aid qualification.


An accident and incident recording book is available each time the service is in operation.


Accidents/incidents involving children/staff/anyone within the service setting are recorded.


Accidents/incidents involving children and young people are reported to parents/guardian verbally, recorded in the accident/incident book and signed by the parent/guardian and a member of staff.


Accidents/incidents to staff and others are required to be reported to another authority, eg. Health and Safety Executive or Environmental health..


All accidents/incidents involving the service premises, materials or equipment must be reported to management.

Admission Policy

Schools’ Out! welcomes applications from parents/guardians of children attending Netherlee Primary school aged between 4½ and 12 years. Our admissions policy is governed by the following principles:


We will work in partnership with parents/guardians in caring for their child.

Our staff will have both the time and experience to welcome you and your child to our service.

Sufficient information about Schools’ Out! and its operations are readily available to you to enable you and your child to make an informed choice about the service.

You will be required to make at least one pre admission visit to the service where you and your child can attend prior to taking up a place.

Allocation of places is based upon equality and fairness.

Places are offered on a full time or part time basis with a minimum of 2 days attendance required.

Priority will be given to siblings of those already attending and to those requiring full time care.

When the service is full, places will be allocated by the length of time on the full time or part time waiting lists.

Information provided by you about your child will be treated confidentially and kept safe.

Child Protection Policy

Schools’ Out! will promote the safety of service users to ensure that they feel safe and secure and that they are free from exploitation and abuse. All children and young people have the right to feel safe and secure and be protected from harm. We will do this by:


Ensuring that staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in protecting the children from harm, abuse, bullying and neglect. Our staff are trained on each type of abuse and the signs and indicators for each type. They are also trained to respond professionally with care and sensitivity if a possible abuse is fully or partially disclosed to them. As trained professionals the staff will immediately report any disclosures or suspicions to the manager of the service.


Our protection procedures meet East Renfrewshire’s guidance on Child Protection.


We will meet the recommended adult to child ratios at all times.


All relevant information on disclosed or suspicions of abuse shall be recorded.


The manager shall seek advice from the relevant authorities:


Police on 101 social work on 0141 577 3557


All child protection matters will comply with our confidentiality and record keeping policies.

Children's Participation Policy

Schools’ Out! supports the view that children and young people should be treated with dignity and respect at all times and that they should be enabled to realise their full potential. This can be achieved by:


Providing children with opportunities to express their views, exercise choice and wherever possible, influence the activities of the service.

Actively consulting the children and valuing their views.

Enabling children to make informed choices.

Providing opportunities for children to learn about healthy lifestyles and relationships, hygiene, diet and personal safety.

Treating everyone fairly and equally.

Providing opportunities to be involved in the evaluation of the services activities.

Confidentiality Policy

The operation of Schools’ Out! requires the sharing of information between users and the service.

In order to respect the dignity and privacy of all users, the service will actively promote confidentiality in the following ways:


Provide guidelines for staff on required records/reports.

Provide guidelines for staff in the handling of confidential/sensitive information.

Provide secure storage for files and information.

Adhere to all relevant legislation in the keeping of records.

Provide parent/guardian access to their own child’s records.

We will not disclose confidential information unless required to do so in matters of child protection or death situations.

Complaints Procedure

Schools’ Out! believes that users of our service should be able to complain effectively and without fear of victimisation. To achieve this the service will:


Promote an environment of mutual respect, trust and open communication.

Treat everyone fairly and equally.

Provide opportunities for everyone to be consulted and to value the opinions expressed. This can be done verbally at the venues, in written submission to the venues or by using the feedback section of our website.

Produce a complaints procedure to support our Aims and Objectives.

Provide access to an independent arbiter when agreement cannot be reached.

Train staff in handling of complaints.

Promote the complaints procedure with service users.

Record all formal complaints made to staff.

Provide an area where staff may discuss matters in private.

Provide information to the Care Inspectorate on the services response to complaints when requested.

The Care Inspectorate’s direct line is 0845 600 9527

Emergency Event Procedure

Schools’ Out! has procedures in place which should an event arise, call for an immediate response to minimise rick of adverse effects on children, staff or visitor to Schools’ Out!


Emergencies can be categorised as:

Civil: Fire, gas leak, water leak, chemical spill.


Natural: Death, storm, flooding or lightning strike.


Criminal: Bomb threat, civil disorder, hostage or terrorist threat.


In the event of an emergency within the building, evacuation would take place in line with the Fire Safety Policy.


Should it not be possible to re-enter the building at a later stage the children shall be taken to an alternative venue and their parents advised by phone/text/email of this action as soon as is practically possible.


Should there be a physical threat from outwith the building and it be considered safer to keep the children and staff inside, the door shall be kept closed and locked whilst the emergency services are summonsed by telephone.


Staff trained in First Aid are always in attendance at the venues and shall assess injury and provide First Aid to any injured person or persons until emergency assistance arrives.

Equal Oppertunities Policy

Equal opportunities does not mean treating everyone the same. It means equality of opportunity for parents, guardians and children


Advertising: Our whereabouts shall be done by word of mouth, registration with the Local Authority and Care Inspectorate, leaflets in local venues and through our website.


Admissions: This service is open to the families in the community. Information given to us by the parents/guardians shall be taken into consideration and places allocated after the needs of the child have been assessed.


Employment: The service will appoint the person who they consider best suited to the job and will treat all applicants fairly. No applicant will be rejected on the grounds of age, gender, sexuality, class, means, family status, disability, colour, ethnic origin, culture, religious belief or level of academic qualification. Commitment to implementing the group’s Equal Opportunities Policy shall form part of the job description for all the workers.


Children attending the service: All children will be treated with respect and their individuality and potential recognised, valued and nurtured. Activities and the use of play equipment will allow children to develop in an environment free from prejudice and discrimination. Opportunities shall be given for the children to explore, acknowledge and value similarities and differences between themselves and others. This shall be achieved by not emphasising cultural differences but by treating all children equally.

Fire Safety Procedure

In the case of a fire, carry out the following procedure:


Upon discovering a fire, the fire alarm system shall be sounded and the children shall be escorted from the building by the nearest fire exit in accordance with the displayed exit plans.


Do not stop to collect personal belongings i.e. bags, jackets, etc.


Staff shall check toilet areas and side rooms ensuring all children, staff and visitors have exited the building safely.

Assemble in the designated assembly area provided it is safe to do so.

The emergency services should be called by dialling 999 and asking for the Fire Service and any other emergency service required.

The address is:    Netherlee Scout Hall,      OR       Netherlee Pavilion

                      Ormonde Drive,                       Linnpark Avenue 

                      Netherlee,                              Netherlee,

                      G44 3RD                                G44 3PL

The lead carer shall ensure the register, information files, and mobile phone are taken to the assembly point.

A register shall be taken ensuring that all children and staff are accounted for.

In the event of a fire drill, the lead carer shall advise on the safe return to the building.


In the event of a real fire, permission to return to the building (if safe) will be given by the Senior Fire Officer.

Health & Saftey Policy

Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy environment, working and play conditions, equipment and systems for all our employees and the children in their care.


We shall provide such information and training as is needed for this purpose. We also accept responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.


The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which we make to implement the policy are set out below.


The policy shall be kept up to date, particularly as the group changes in nature, size and location.  To ensure this, the policy and the way that it is implemented shall be reviewed each year or earlier if required.


Responsibilities: Natalie Scanlan, Manager has overall and final responsibility for the Health and Safety of the group and for this policy being carried out at both our premises.


The appointed first aider shall be displayed on the notice board in each venue. Further assistance can be requested from any member of staff who has received first aid training.

Lee Dunbar, Deputy Manager, has overall responsibility for the upkeep of the first aid boxes.

All accidents must be recorded in an accident/incident form which are available at each venue. All accident records will be kept permanently in the group archives.


Housekeeping and premises: Table top surfaces shall be cleaned prior to and after use, floors vacuumed, swept and mopped as required. Waste disposal either in bins or down toilet (as appropriate).


All equipment shall be safely stacked/stored in the appropriate storage cupboards and children shall not have unaccompanied access to these storage areas.


Chairs shall NOT be stacked more than ten high and should be stored facing a wall.                                                                                          

Equipment (including electrical equipment) shall be monitored during term times for wear and tear and repaired/replaced as required.


All equipment shall be checked thoroughly at the end of each term.


All soft toys/pillows/cushions shall be regularly laundered/dry cleaned or as required.


Children shall NOT be allowed unaccompanied into the kitchen.

Inclusion Policy

Schools’ Out! aims to provide equal opportunities in a positive manner to ensure that all staff value and respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages of the children in their care and their families and carers.


Each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping and is encouraged to develop positive attitudes to differences of race, culture, language, gender and differing needs.


The equipment, activities and day to day management of the service is organised in a such a way to reflect this policy. All activities will be adapted to suit all children and young people within the service.


Schools’ Out! will seek to employ the most suitable candidate for any post. Our commitment to implementing the services Inclusive Practice Policy will form part of the job description for all workers.

Infection Control

Users of Schools’ Out! can be confident that the club has safeguards in place against the spread of infection. This will be achieved by the following:


Practising good infection control within our settings.

Encouraging hand washing by both the children and staff especially prior to commencement of daily activities and after toileting, coughing, sneezing and blowing their nose.

Ensuring that the play environment is kept clean, disinfected and well maintained.

Any staff suffering from infectious diseases shall notify the manager prior to attending work.

Ensuring that parents/guardians are aware of their responsibility to inform staff of any infectious disease or condition that their child may have.

Staff shall be encouraged to attend food handling courses.

We shall follow the Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Guide to Infection Control.

Medication Policy

Parents must inform staff if their child/children are under medication or have been diagnosed as having a contagious disease eg, chicken pox, German measles, etc..

The Care Inspectorate advise us that if you wish us to administer any prescribed medicine, we can only do so with your prior written consent and by providing us with the child’s own medicine bottle, clearly labelled and marked with their name, date of issue, expiry date and signed by you.

We are not permitted to deliver the first dose of any medication on any given day.

Partnership with Parents/Guardians Policy

Schools’ Out! values and encourages the involvement of parent/guardians in the life of the service. We will promote this by:

Providing information on our Aims and Objectives, Policies and Procedures and by encouraging pre admission visits.

Ensuring that staff have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in protecting the children in their care from harm, abuse, bullying and neglect.

Ensuring that staff work effectively with parents/guardians to support each child's individual needs.

Regularly sharing information with parents/guardians about their children and doing so by creating a personal profile with children assigned to a set member of staff for guidance and assistance. Management will also keep a record of any other information important to the child or young person’s needs available to staff and parents/guardians.

Creating an environment where mutual respect, trust and open communication are promoted and which both parents/guardians and children can feel comfortable emotionally and physically.

Working with parent/guardians to promote positive behaviour and to appropriately deal with challenging behaviour.

Staff valuing and taking account of parents/guardians views, and treating every parent/guardian equally and fairly.

Ensuring that parents/guardians can complain without fear of victimisation.

Discussions with staff can be made in private when requested.

Ensuring that the parents/guardians contribute to the evaluation of our work.

By maintaining information confidentially, while providing access to the records of your own child.

Positive Behaiviour Policy

Schools’ Out! aims to promote positive behaviour by treating everyone connected to the service with dignity, respect equality and fairness at all times. By creating a safe and secure environment free from bullying, harassment and discrimination and by ensuring that users are free from exploitation and abuse. We will achieve this by:

Valuing each child as an individual.

Ensuring that staff interaction with the children builds confidence, encourages learning new skills and values the contribution of children and young people.

Working with parents/guardians to promote positive behaviour and deal with challenging behaviour in an appropriate manner.

Encouraging the participation of children in the life and work of the service.

Ensuring that staff are trained to recognise harm, abuse, neglect, bullying and discrimination and that they actively challenge and respond to such behaviour.

Encouraging children to take responsibility for their own behaviour and the effect it has on other children and young people in the group as a whole.

Having a child protection policy.

Having a code of behaviour that is consistently applied.

Having a safe environment that meets all relevant legislation and by carrying out regular risk assessments.

Providing a non smoking environment.

Record Keeping Policy

Schools’ Out! will maintain records that are required for the efficient and safe management of the service and to promote the welfare, care and recreation of the children and young people.


Records will be kept in accordance with national and local guidelines.


Parents/guardians can access their child’s own records.


Records will be confidential and stored securely.


Records will be made available only to those with the legal authority to view them.

Staff Recruitment Policy

Users of Schools’ Out! can be confident that the service recruits staff and volunteers through a process that takes account of equal opportunities and safe recruitment practices. This will include:


All applicants for the staff and volunteer posts will be treated equally and fairly valued for their experience and relevant qualifications.

We will not make ethnicity or race an issue.

A senior member of management (registered countersignatory) shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary legal checks prior to appointment of new staff/volunteers.


All staff and volunteers shall be required to provide references and proof of qualifications.


Staff and volunteers will be selected with a range of life skills and experience relevant to the Aims and Objectives of Schools' Out!


All posts are subject to a six month probationary period.

Staff Training Policy

The continuing success of Schools’ Out! is dependant on recruiting, engaging, retaining and developing staff who have the skills, knowledge and experience to deliver our Aims and Objectives.


The aim of this policy is to:

Support the achievement of Schools’ Out’s objectives and priorities.

Enhance the potential and personal effectiveness of staff through the acquisition of appropriate qualifications, skills, knowledge and understanding which will support them to contribute and deliver our objectives.

Enable staff to develop new skills for their current and future roles so that we can respond positively to change.

Ensure that all staff have equality of opportunity and access to training.

Staff will be offered training opportunities for their continuous professional development.

Refusal of training may lead to disciplinary action at the discretion of the manager.  

Whistleblowing Policy

Schools’ Out! will not accept or condone any behaviour by staff, volunteers or any other adults associated with the service that is contrary to our Aims and Objectives, Policies and Procedures.


We will actively encourage and support the reporting of such behaviour. We will do this by:


Promoting an environment of mutual respect, trust and open communication.

Promoting an environment that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Treating everyone equally and fairly, with dignity and respect and by valuing individual differences.

Ensuring that the quality of the work of each staff member is monitored as well as the work of the service as a whole.

Ensuring that procedures are in place for reporting unacceptable behaviour/practices.

Actively supporting staff who “blow the whistle” both during the investigation and after in line with the relevant legislation.

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